In the fine traditions of this site, I am not going to go into the minutiae of every aspect of this or why we do it. The goal here is to get it up and running as quickly as possible with as few steps as possible. Whether I achieve this or not, you’ll have to be the judge, suffice to say there will be some basic steps I assume you will be able to do. So let’s get cracking.
1. Create a resource Group (eg RG_S2SVPN)
2. Create a VNet (eg vnet_s2svpn –
3. Create a Subnet (eg Subnet1,
4. Create a VM on the subnet you just created (this will be used for testing connectivity later)
5. Create a Gateway Subnet (eg GatewaySubnet,
6. Create a VirtualNetworkGateway. This can be done manually in the portal as with anything else but it can no longer be done this way if you wish to use the basic SKU. If you wish to use the basic SKU update the code below if necessary and run this in Cloud Shell:
$location = "east us"
$resourceGroup = "RG_S2SVPN"
$VNetName = "vnet_s2svpn"
$VNGWPIPName = "s2svnetgw-ip"
$vnetgwipconfig = "vnetgwipconfig1"
$VNetGWName = "s2svnetgw-gw"
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -name $VNetName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
$subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name GatewaySubnet -VirtualNetwork $vnet
$vnetgwPIP = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $VNGWPIPName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location -Sku Basic -AllocationMethod Dynamic
$vnetgwIpConfig = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $vnetgwipconfig -SubnetId $subnet.Id -PublicIpAddressId $vnetgwPIP.Id
New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $VNetGWName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location -IpConfigurations $vnetgwIpConfig -GatewayType Vpn -VpnType RouteBased -GatewaySku Basic
- Create a Local Network Gateway (eg OnPremGateway, IP = <Physical Internet Router IP> – hint:What’s my IP in Google), Address Space = , eg
- Create local VPN router (typically on a server OS VM on your home network)
– ‘Configure and enable Routing and Remote Access’
– Custom Configuration
– Select ‘VPN’ and ‘LAN routing’
– Start Service
– Click Network Interfaaces | New Demand-Dial Interface
– Configure:
Name (‘AzureS2S’)
Connect using VPN
Public IP of your VPNGW in Azure
Route IP packets on this Interface
Static route w/metric of your azure subnet, eg / / Metric (eg 5)
No need to specify any credentials
– Click new connection (AzureS2S)|Options|Persistent Connection
|Security|Specify a password for the Pre-sharedKey - You will need to create a static route on your physical network/broadband router, pointing to the software router you created above. Different routers will have slightly different options but you should aim to provide the information below:
– On WAN options, you will need to select port forwarding
– Enable this, add ports 500/1701/4500 (UDP)
– For the internal IP address, give the IP of the router you created in (8) - In the portal, search for ‘connections’
– Basics: Create Site to Site (IPSec), bi-direction connectivity, name and region
– Settings: Select the virtual and on prem gateways and preshared key from above. Leave defaults, Create - From the local VPN router you set up in (8) right click the connection you created and click ‘connect’. If all is well ‘connection state’ should now change to ‘connected’ after a few seconds. The Azure portal connection should also now show a ‘connected’ status after a refresh.
- Now you have the connection in place, log into your azure VM. For the purposes of testing, turn off the firewall (or at least let ICMP traffic through). You should be able to ping the VM on it’s local network IP (eg from the router computer.
- In order to be able to communicate to your Azure VM from other machines on your local (‘on prem’/lab) you will need to create a static route from those machine(s):
- On the local machine in question, get an admin cmd prompt up
- ROUTE ADD metric 5
- Create local VPN router (typically on a server OS VM on your home network)
Try pinging the VM again…it should now be able to communicate to your azure VM. You can browse shares on it if you want, drop files etc just as you would on a machine on your local network/lab (you’ll need to provide the appropriate credentials, obvs).